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If you wish to transfer an email, you may want to delete or archive old email before beginning the migration to speed up the transfer. Check both email account sizes and all databases used. Preparing for the Migrationīefore beginning, take into consideration the size of your website.

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The cPanel administration dashboard makes it simple to migrate your website to another cPanel host without any down time. You do not have to manually save and restore each file, database and email account. Step 4 - Select the accounts that you wish to transfer and click C opy.Your hosting provider has raised their rates or worse yet, is shutting down their servers. Step 3 - Note the security warning, select Restricted Restore if you have any security concerns with the source server, and click Fetch Account List. Make sure to choose the appropriate root escalation method. Root will use the root login details while User will use the cPanel login details. Step 2 - Input the source server's SSH login details. Step 1 - Log into WHM and select the Transfer Tool. However, it does require that you either have root access to the source server or that the cPanel user has root privileges. It is the fastest migration method as it transfers directly from server to server. Note: This method is designed for advanced users. Just note this will delete all data in the existing cPanel account. Note: If you already have a cPanel account with the same username and you wish to completely overwrite it, select " Overwrite the existing user". Step 3 - Select Restore with Username, select the backup you wish to restore, then click Restore. Step 2 - Log into WHM and select Restore a full backup/cpmove file. Note the required format for the filename, and the required folder. We have a guide on logging in via SSH here. This will need to be done using an SSH client like Putty. Step 1 - Upload the cpmove file to your server. The above option performs the same function but is more straightforward.

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Note: As these steps require logging in via SSH, they are designed for more advanced users. Note:If you already have a cPanel account with the same username and you wish to completely overwrite it, select " Overwrite the existing user". Step 3 - Click Browse, Locate your file on your device, then click Open. Your cpmove file should be named like this by default. Step 1 - Log into WHM and select Restore a Full Backup/cpmove File. To migrate a cPanel account on a Reseller or other hosting plan, you can use this guide. Note: As the steps in this guide require root access, this guide is only designed for VPS and Dedicated Server clients.

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How to restore or migrate a cPanel account from WHM

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